News from Slovenia
Today was another busy day. I’m in Slovenia, a small but beautiful country,  together with the great photographer and now friend  SAMO ROVAN. Yesterday we photographed a wedding and today we did a session, e-session, as they say. Whilw Samo photographed the couple, he was also being recorded by the Brazilian trio from project WORLD EXPERIENCE 2012, which is making a tour in Europe with a series of interviews with wedding photographers and video makers. It’s worth it checking it out.
He photographed the couple Andrej and Anja, and I stole scenes in the mountains and the beautiful beach city of Piran, lapped by crystal clear water of the Adriatic Sea. Unbelievable, this place. Slovenia is all fantastic.
Below are some images I did!

E só para não perder o costume, amanhã, segunda feira, é dia de TV EI com o próprio SAMO. Não perca!

And so just I don’t lose the habit, tomorrow, Monday, is EI TV day, with SAMO himself. Do not miss it!
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