Wedding Brasil 2012 - Even better

Today the “Editora Photos”, my great partner, launched the Wedding Brazil website. A project in which I am a part of since 2009, when I was speaker in a lecture, and in 2010, 2011 and now in 2012 I was responsible for the teaching project along with Giancarlo and my dear friend Dani Ebeling.

I am very proud of all that. I am very happy that we are slowly changing the wedding photography in the country. To compare the event launched today with the one which happened in 2009 is really not fair. This development is part of the process, and  it means that the conference has gotten more mature along with us, organizers, speakers and our public. It is visible!It is really good to see this new website with 30 faces, some are new ones, and others are already known. 30 people to be part of this story and will be there in April, helping us to take another step.

Brazil is stage of the largest  photography convention in Latin America. Welcome to Wedding Brazil 2012. Such a pride, such a success!
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