Hey video, you've been changed huh?

I am impressed with the level of the videos that are emerging in the Brazilian wedding market. New people making revolution and changing further the conception that wedding video is boring. It was boring!

Hello brides, it’s a big one. Take a look at what this new crowd is doing. Here are some videos of professionals who worked with us over the past 45 days.

I’m happy. I love videos, especially those which leave us with sparkling eyes. Let’s drool over it together?


Danielle Benício 2011 from Daniel Magalhães on Vimeo.

Vídeo: El Cine (Belo Horizonte)

Trailer Marcia e Diego from AG2 on Vimeo.

Vídeo: AG2 Digital

Leticia + Alfredo {Trailer} from NKG Studio on Vimeo.

Vídeo: NKG Studio

Geovana + Eduardo – Pousada dos Sonhos Jurerê/SC from H2 Brasil on Vimeo.

Vídeo: H2 Brasil Vídeo

Vinícius Matos and David Beckstead: Model Shoots in Rio de Janeiro from Guilherme Frejah on Vimeo.

Vídeo: Guilherme Frejah (Belo Horizonte)

Andrea + Mihail from Fernando Ribeiro Filmes on Vimeo.

Vídeo: Fernando Ribeiro (Londrina)

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